Sangoma Unwrapped
Sales Kick-Off

Printed Designs
Digital Designs
Logo Creation
Theme/Campaign Development
T-Shirt Designs

Sangoma’s annual Sales Kick-Off event needed a fresh face to step out from old branding and usher in the new dawn approaching the company. Held in Nashville, I was given complete creative freedom to develop and create every printed and digital graphic for the event.

The printed goods included name tags, room signage, directional signage, and screen-printed t-shirts alongside larger-than-life banners and posters. The digital goods included customized graphics for various screen sizes and shapes, PowerPoint slides for presenting, custom music-themed parody slides featuring Sangoma employees on album artwork, and slides for the themed awards ceremony.

The creative ask for this event was massive, with the most prominent graphic around 40 feet wide and the tallest around 15 feet. After tackling the primary logo, which needed to be screen-print-friendly, I developed the rest of the graphics with a backstage/venue theme in mind.



“What sets Emerald apart is her innate ability to inspire and motivate others… she demonstrates a deep understanding of project scope. Her ability to navigate complex projects and foster collaboration sets her apart as a true leader.”

— Julie Webb
Director of Marketing Communications at Sangoma

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